=== LearnDash Course Grid === Author: LearnDash Author URI: https://learndash.com Plugin URI: https://learndash.com/add-on/course-grid/ LD Requires at least: 3.0 Slug: learndash-course-grid Tags: grid, view, display Requires at least: 5.0 Tested up to: 6.2 Requires PHP: 7.0 Stable tag: 2.0.8 Transform the course list created with shortcode [ld_course_list] to grid view. == Description == The Course Grid add-on gives you the ability to create a responsive course library that can be inserted on any page or post of your site. This is a perfect feature if you have a variety of course offerings and want to give users the ability to filter through them by category. = Add-on Features = * Responsive grid layout of courses * Filtering by category * Display course featured image and short description * Featured video support * Dynamic course price listing * Dynamic course status listing See the [Add-on](https://learndash.com/add-on/course-grid/) page for more information. == Installation == If the auto-update is not working, verify that you have a valid LearnDash LMS license via LEARNDASH LMS > SETTINGS > LMS LICENSE. Alternatively, you always have the option to update manually. Please note, a full backup of your site is always recommended prior to updating. 1. Deactivate and delete your current version of the add-on. 1. Download the latest version of the add-on from our [support site](https://support.learndash.com/article-categories/free/). 1. Upload the zipped file via PLUGINS > ADD NEW, or to wp-content/plugins. 1. Activate the add-on plugin via the PLUGINS menu. == Changelog == = 2.0.8 = * Update: Add custom ColorPalette component and replace default Gutenberg ColorPalette component. * Fix: Fix changing a duplicated block style also change the style of its original block. * Fix: Fix fatal error if the site doesn't have default course category or terms set up. * Fix: Fix double path separator issue. * Fix: PHP error notice. = 2.0.7 = * Updated in-app documentation text * Fixed Styles component error in block * Fixed overflown video width * Fixed DB query for multisite install * Fixed fatal error with Elementor page * Fixed color picker component doesn't have clear value button * Fixed duplicating course grid block and changing styles of one block also changes style of other block = 2.0.6 = * Added translation support for block strings * Updated added back learndash_course_grid_custom_button_text filter hook * Fixed missing course grid translations * Fixed slow queries in sites with a large number of users (10,000+) * Fixed allow max/min prices to be empty * Fixed correctly set max-min width * Fixed shortcodes having additional parameters in their tag * Fixed don't show ribbon if course is closed or has no price * Fixed grids not displaying correctly in Elementor * Fixed skin and card assets not correctly loading in Elementor * Fixed incorrect shared steps URL * Fixed incorrect variable type for implode * Fixed meta box styling * Fixed skins and cards not being filterable * Fixed incorrect post results if taxonimies attribute values are wrapped in quotes = 2.0.5 = * Added pre-defined taxonomies in filter dropdown * Added support for new global currency in LearnDash core * Added LearnDash specific selector for CSS to avoid conflicts * Updated improve ribbon text logic * Fixed conflict with other plugins that execute the_content() on the front-end * Fixed taxonomies filter not being able to have more than 1 working term * Fixed enrolled courses query returning all courses for logged out users * Fixed undefined functions * Fixed remove box sizing CSS rule to avoid conflicts with other themes/plugins * Fixed masonry styles not working correctly = 2.0.4 = * Added icon supported element for cards * Added conditional for element color selector * Added custom color selector for ribbon, icon, and button elements * Updated not started label text on CG 2.0 templates based on user activity for LD lesson and topic post type * Updated not Started label based on user activity for lesson and topic * Fixed card layouts and styles * Fixed minor cards layout and CSS styles * Fixed block editor meta setting value is not passed to front end templates * Fixed incorrect variable name * Fixed translations meta box on translations setting page is not loaded * Fixed update translations metabox to match with plugin name * Fixed undefined index error * Fixed undefined JS function * Fixed missing translation slug * Fixed legacy v1 course grid is not detected if the shortcode already stored in HTML format in DB = 2.0.3 = * Updated masonry script * Updated grid skin selector * Fixed PHP deprecated notice * Fixed legacy v1 assets are not loaded when using ld course list block * Fixed compatibility error with Elementor for v1 course grid element = 2.0.2 = * Fixed asset loading for legacy course grids = 2.0.1 = * Added course enrollment status attributes and block option * Udated removed fixed 4:3 aspect ratio to prevent distorted images * Fixed course grid assets not loading when Elementor is being used = 2.0.0 = * Added course grid Gutenberg block * Added learndash_course_grid shortcode * Added learndash_course_grid_filter shortcode * Added ability to add and use custom template * Added support for CG 1.0 shortcode = 1.7.0 = * Added ability to use HTML in the short description box * Added custom text support for groups in the Course Grid * Added Completed/In Progress/Not Available status for Course Grid ribbons * Added support for the Course Grid ribbon to show for students enrolled in a group * Added filter 'learndash_course_grid_load_resources' to load styles/scripts dynamically wherever they are wanted using conditional logic * Updated deprecated .load in jQuery with .on('load)' instead * Fixed Course Grid styles not being loaded when the shortcode is used in Elementor * Fixed groups progress indicator * Fixed undefined variable * Fixed array index error = 1.6.0 = * Added hook to filter course grid html output * Added docblock for html output filter * Added class container class names and its filter hook * Updated ribbon text escaping to wp_kses_post instead of esc_attr * Updated load grid resources on LD courses archive page * Updated plugin name and description * Updated LD get course price helper function to allow users filter the values * Updated to remove #ld_course_list wrapper on course grid shortcode to prevent conflicts with page builder plugins * Fixed thumbnail course URL redirects to bare URL instead of nested URL * Fixed short description unable to be set to empty because legacy value is not saved when saving new value * Fixed undefined index error View the full changelog [here](https://www.learndash.com/add-on/course-grid/).